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Hon'ble Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh
Each time the BSP Government was formed in Uttar Pradesh important and far-reaching decisions were taken, according the highest priority to education. Of these, some major achievements are listed below:
· Target fixed from the very first term of BSP government, to saturate Ambedkar Grams, each with a primary school under Dr.Ambedkar Gram Yojana.
· 7003 new primary and 2217 upper primary schools established in unserved areas.
· Reconstruction of 3858 decrepit school buildings.
· Schools provided with minimum basic facilities like construction/reconstruction of buildings, additional class-rooms, hand pumps, electricity, toilets etc.
· Process for recruitment of teachers against 88.000 vacancies started. 60,000 teachers recruited, so far.
· 43200 Shiksha Mitras appointed in primary schools to improve the student-teacher ratio.
· 9188 Vidya Kendras and alternative educational centres opened under Education Guarantee Centre and Alternative/Navachar Shiksha scheme.
· Strengthening of 666 pre-secondary education centres.
· To encourage girl education at class 6-8level and to empower girls, 'Meena Manch' programme inaugurated with 700 'manchs' established already.
· Teaching of English in primary schools introduced from class 1, instead of class 3 in order that the children gained knowledge of English from the very beginning.
· All students from class 1-5 and girl students, including SC/ST, from class 6-8 given text books, free of charge.
· In addition to payment od salaries of teachers of 577 privately-managed primary schools in 52 districts, provision made to give scholarships to 2,28,160 students with no contribution from the Government of India.
· 454 Kasturiba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas function to provide residential education from class 6 to 8 to drop-out girls belonging to poorer sections. Construction of 155 such school-buildings completed.
· Construction of new buildings propo0sed during 2010-11 with provision for 40830 poor girl students, to have free education, boarding, uniforms, school-books and residential-education facilities. Of these girl students, 42% shall be from SC/ST and 36% from pther backward classes.
· Upgradation of 254 government high schools to the secondary level in the last three years.
· Construction of 54 government higher secondary schools in the last three years, which had no buildings of their own.
· Additional classrooms and laboratories constructed in 97 government higher secondary schools in the last 2years.
· Establishment of Rama Bai Ambedka Government Girls Inter College at Chhibramau (Farrukhabad) & Kota (Saharanpur).
· Two Mahamaya Colleges, one each for boys and girls, established in Noida and Greater Noida together with hostels.
· Financial assistance of Rs.10 lakh for construction of the building of Dr.Ambedkar Inter College, Unchahaar, Rae Bareli.
· Rs.5 lakh financial assistance for improvement of Dr.Ambedkar hostel, Gokulpura, Agra.
· 66 ashram-style schools being run with a capacity to cater to 28065 students, girls and boys, and another 22 new ashram-style schools with 10560-capacity, granted unprecedented increase in funds to meet the expenses of boarding, school books and uniforms for children of families belonging to SC/ST/backward classes and those living below the poverty line to enable them pursue education from classes 1 to intermediate.
· Ashram style schools being run for S/C students, specially those belonging to the Balmiki community.
· To bring boys and girls belonging to the poorer sections into the mainstream of education, Govt.Open Schools Council, U.P., Allahabad for purpose of distance education.
· Savitri Bai Phule Balika Siksha Madad Yojna started from 15 January 2009 to encourage girl students of BPL families to take to education, benefitting 86,686 girls in 2008-90 and 1,70,527 in 2009-10.
· Order issued for reservation of admission of women, up to a maximum of 20 percent seats in educational institutions under each syllabus.
· IAS coaching institute established for SC/ST at Bhagidari Bhavan, Lucknow as well as Agra and Aligarh, besides an institute for both IAS and PCS coaching at Barelly.
· Kanshiram Research Chair set up in 6 universities in the state.
· Dr.Ambedkar coaching centre established at Agra.
· Decision to increase the number of available seats in universitie3s by 20%. Vice-chancellors also authorized to increase seats by 5%, if needed.
· Government degree colleges established in 13 unserved districts.
· To promote Urdu, Arabic and Persian languages in the state, an Urdu, Arabic and Persian university established at Lucknow.
· Decision to establish a second Technical University in Greater Noida , to be named as Mahamaya Technical University.
· Establishment of Gautam Buddha University in Greater Noida at a cost of Rs.300 crore.
· The first in the country, Gautam Buddha University (Noida) with general reservation , to provide to its students, belonging to SC/ST, other backward classes, religious minorities and the general BPL category, facilities of higher studies, at government expense, in the foreign universities, specially Denmark University.
· Construction of Dr.Ambedkar hostels for SC/ST at Amroha and Moradabad.
· Construction of hostels for girl and boy students belonging to S/T at Mau, Karvi, Naraini, Orai, Azamgarh, Kalpi, Maharajganj and Badaun and construction of another 53 new hostels approved with instructions to remove unauthorized occupation from them.
· Pioneering decision to provide 100% scholarships to all SC/ST students upto class VII level. Decision to reimburse scholarships for the whole year in the beginning of the session itself, for which an additional provision of Rs.111 crore made. The number of beneficiaries increases from 36 lakh to 72 lakh.
· Scholarship of minority students doubled, immediately after Ms.Mayawati formed the government, the second time.
· The rate of scholarships for backward–class students doubled.Government of India requested to reimburse the amount of the fees of such students.
· Plan to benefit as many as 87,23,000 students of S/C and denotified tribes under the scholarship distribution scheme.
· As many as 4,18,46,296 students from class 1 to 10, belonging to SC/ST and general categories given scholarships worth Rs.1641,09 crore during the last 3 years, without any contribution from the government of India.
· Scholarships to high school-pass students pursuing higher studies being paid at government of India approved rates since 2002-03.
· During the last 3years scholarships, worth Rs.1030.59 crore, provided to 20,86,952 SC/ST students studying in post-matric classes in which the Government of India contribution was a mere Rs.30.67 crore.
· Arrangement for direct transfer of scholarship of all pre and post-high school students, girls and boys, to their personal bank accounts through computerization.
· For extension of higher education and improving it qualitatively, 12 state universities, 1 open university, 1 deemed university, 6 private universities, 138 government degree colleges, 335 aided non-government degree colleges and more than 2800 self-financed degree colleges functioning in the state.
· Scholarships arranged from Dr.Ambedkar Birth Centenary Foundation Fund for 100 students each of SC/ST, scoring the highest marks in the examination conducted by the UP Board of High School and Intermediate Education, Allahabad. For the next course of study, provision of a 10-month scholarship of Rs.250 per month, annually Rs.2500, for the highest scorer of marks in high school and Rs.350 per month, annually Rs.350 in intermediate examination.
· Scholarships for SC/ST students, from classes 1 to 10, doubled.
· For eligibility to scholarship of students upto class 10, the monthly ceiling on income of their guardians raised from Rs.1000 to Rs.2500.
· Decision taken to provide scholarships at double the nominal rate to children of families engaged in scavenging.
· Establishment of Dr.Shakuntala Misra Rehabilitation University at Lucknoe to provide quality education, for the first time in the country, to the different categories of the physically challenged.
· For the visually impaired, a boys' inter college opened at Meerut and a girls' inter college, each at Lucknow and Gorakhpur.
· Proper arrangements made, saturating 388 development blocks for educat6ion of disabled children.
· Childhood day-care centres being run in the districts of Lucknow, Jhansi, Allahabad, Varanasi, Agra, Saharanpur, Bareilly and Gautam Buddha Nagar to equip physically challenged children in the age group 3-7 with pre-school readiness.
· First time, an inter college for visually impaired girls opened at Lucknow.
· A Talking-Book Studio established in Lucknow district for visually impaired students.
· A shelter-home-cum-training centre established for mentally retarded children, each in Bareilly, Meerut and Gorakhpur districts.
· A scholarship scheme for minority students introduced, for the first time in the country, by Chief Minister Ms. Mayawati during her very first tenure.
· UP Madarsa Education Board constituted for the first time in the state. As many as 169 Madarsas accorded recognition in the last one year.
· After years, 100 new Madarsas with permanent recognition included in grant-in-aid list.
· Action revived, through proper affidavit, against restriction on recruitment of Urdu teachers, paving the way for recruiting 5000 Urdu teachers.
· The manual for registration of Madrsas amended, doing away with the condition of three years' prior registration.
· As many as 964 primary and 1,212 upper primary schools established, which include 10 new schools for girls in Muslim dominated areas.
· Decision to open 58 government secondary schools in Muslim dominated areas of 22 districts in the state.
· Computer literacy programme introduced in 50 Madrsas.
· Provision of scholarships for minority students (boys and girls) upto class 10.
· Decision to increase the income- limit of eligibility to scholarship for minority students, from Rs.18,800 to 1,00,000 per year.
Revolutionary changes in the interest of the U.P. Board Examinees
· An examinee, clearing five out of the six subjects will be deemed successful.
· An examinee failing in Arithmetic, Science or Social Science but having passed the sixth subject will be deemed successful.
· Each subject to have one question paper only.
· Thus, the examination in 6 subjects of each group to complete in six days.
· Facility of compartmental examination if the examinee fails in two subjects.
· Compartmental examination to be held in the month of July.
· There shall be no mention of compartmental examination in the mark sheet.
· The system of showing division in the mark sheet dispensed with.
· Mark sheet will show only marks obtained, subject –wise.
· Grade to be in place of division in the mark sheet.
· The examinee will not have to reappear the next year for examination in subjects passed already.
· Examinees failing for 3 years in all subjects can appear for examination as private candidates only.
"May all be educated, may all develop, may Baba Saheb Dr.Ambedkar's dream come true, That's the task of this committed Government, which it is determined to see through"
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