----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Dr. Milind Jiwane <milindjiwane_buddha@yahoo.co.in>
To: President of India New Delhi <presidentofindia@rb.nic.in>; Prime Minister of India New Delhi <manmohan@sansad.nic.in>; Hon. Sonia Gandhi <soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in>; Hon. Mayawati(BSP Leader) <mayawati@sansad.nic.in>; Hon. Suprime Court of India New Delh <supremecourt@nic.in>; CPIM <cc@cpim.org>; R J Dal <rjdal@rediffmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, 11 February 2012 7:02 PM
Subject: Ancient Buddhists Monuments of Hanathi Tah. Chitapur Dist. Gulbarga (Karnataka State, India) destroyed by State Govt. machinery.
From: Dr. Milind Jiwane <milindjiwane_buddha@yahoo.co.in>
To: President of India New Delhi <presidentofindia@rb.nic.in>; Prime Minister of India New Delhi <manmohan@sansad.nic.in>; Hon. Sonia Gandhi <soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in>; Hon. Mayawati(BSP Leader) <mayawati@sansad.nic.in>; Hon. Suprime Court of India New Delh <supremecourt@nic.in>; CPIM <cc@cpim.org>; R J Dal <rjdal@rediffmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, 11 February 2012 7:02 PM
Subject: Ancient Buddhists Monuments of Hanathi Tah. Chitapur Dist. Gulbarga (Karnataka State, India) destroyed by State Govt. machinery.
From :
Civil Rights Protection Cell
H.Q. Jeewak Welfare Society Premises,
Naya Nakasha, Opposite Swastik school,
Nagpur (India)
Dated - 11/02/2012
1. Hon. President of India, New Delhi.
2. Hon. Prime Minister of India, New Delhi
3. Hon. Sonia Gandhi, Ruling Party Leader, New Delhi
Respected Sirs,
Subject : Ancient Buddhists Monuments of Hanathi Tah. Chitapur Dist. Gulbarga (Karnataka State, India)
destroyed by State Govt. machinery.
Today, I got a message from Ven. Bodhidhama (Who now arrested in police station in Karnataka)
by mobile on his arrest with 100 followers on the issue of agitation in concern with saving of ancient
Buddhist monuments, who are destroying by Divisional Assistant Commissioner Mr. D P Ravi, who is additional
charge of Sannati Development Corporation. An ancient Buddhist monuments are seem to be 2200 years King
Asoka regime. Asst Commissioner Mr Raju, who installed their Durga Devi idol, So Buddhist people , who made
agitation on this anti-social movement.The said monuments has been evacuated between the period of 1994 to 2001 by the Government. But no care has been taken by them. Due to making strong agitation by Buddhist
people, the police has been arrested to Ven. Bodhidhamma and his 100 followers under pressure of asst.
commissioner Mr. Raju and by by Hindu orthodox.
On behalf of Civil Rights Protection Cell, I am requesting you to take action immediately. There should be
need of suspension of Asst. Commissioner Mr Raju and Concerned Police Officer. There should be need of care
of this ancient Buddhist Monuments. And should be made free from all the police cases immediately.
Thanking You.
Yours Faithfully,
Dr. Milind Jiwane
Civil Rights Protection Cell
Nagpur (MS. India)

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