Friday, February 5, 2010

[ZESTCaste] Invitation to Participate in a Survey on Rights-Based Social Work Practice


Dear Social Workers,

You are hereby invited to participate in my research study through an online survey. By means of your social work practice, you are helping people in difficult life situations. While doing this work, you may come across different methods and approaches in social work practice.. The Rights-Based Approach (RBA) to social work practice is one of these methods. The purpose of this survey is to understand whether and how social workers in India are applying RBA in their practices..

In India, people involved in social work practice come from various educational backgrounds. They may be trained in social work as a discipline, or they may be trained in fields like journalism, law, sociology, medicine, engineering, and so on. Considering such variety, irrespective of your educational background or level, you are eligible to respond to this survey if you are involved in social work practice in India, in any way. The information given by you can be of immense importance because we expect that the study will provide insight and a practical level of understanding for applying RBA to social work practice. Therefore your opinions are very important..

This is an online survey written in English. Please find 10 minutes in your busy schedule to complete the questionnaire. Your responses will be kept completely confidential, and no information of any personal nature will be asked. In addition to providing your responses, you may choose to send this invitation and survey link to other social workers (irrespective of their educational backgrounds) so that they may also have an opportunity to participate.

Please find the link to reach the survey questionnaire at ( s/rbaswp).

Your participation is voluntary, so you have the right to decline to take part in this study. If you choose to participate, please note that you are free to skip any question for which you do not feel comfortable in providing an answer, and note that you can withdraw from the study at any time.

If you have any query regarding this study, please feel free to contact me, Haresh Dalvi, (, or my adviser, Dr. Hea-Won Kim (

We look forward to your participation and thank you in advance for your time and cooperation.


Haresh Dalvi, MSW

PhD Student, Research Assistant

Indiana University School of Social Work

902 W. New York St., ES 4138

Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA.

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