Friday, February 12, 2010

[ZESTCaste] "The Caste of Our Class Room" (13th Feb @ 2.15PM by Insight Study Circle)



Insight Study Circle


Invites you for a panel discussion on


"The caste of our class room"


Democratizing Indian University System: Dalits in Academia



Dalit faculties in Indian Universities and colleges is a growing tribe. Yet it is a new phenomenon in a system that thrives on exclusion and reflects monopolizing tendencies of couple of privileged caste groups in India. How does the system respond towards the presence of Dalit faculties in the campuses? What are the experiences of these faculties as teachers and scholars, belonging to a particular identity?


Given the level of prejudice and discrimination against Dalit students too, particularly in higher education, the role of Dalit faculties assumes huge importance. In a space where the credentials of Dalit students and even their humanity are always called into question, the need of mentoring and affirmation from someone who has 'crossed the barrier' is crucial.


In this context Insight Study Circle invites you for a panel discussion.




Bodhi DSR            Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai

P. Srinivas             English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad

Kaushal Panwar   Delhi University

Subhash Arya       Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad


Moderated by Ranjit Thankappan from Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi


Date: 13th February (Saturday)


Time:  2.15 pm – 4.15 pm


Venue: Indian Social Institute (ISI), Lodi Road, New Delhi



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