Saturday, April 9, 2011

[ZESTCaste] looking beyond the holy cow


Dear All
Why did elite and middle class come enmass in support of the Lok pal bill-  becuase it does not hit their belly or belt.
Lok pall act while necessary is not enough,  it does not question the neo liberal paradigm of development, nor the material and cultural basis due to which corruption is not questioned, which includes:
- sops to quelch dissent, government formed shgs (I have revised my position),
-.MNREGS unaccompanied by land reforms or sustainable  agriculture growth 
- no committment to take back land or common property resouruce already given to SEZs and corporate control
- no floor prices for dry land crops - ragi millets... , 
- capital intensive growth rather than labur intensive one
- total blaseness to caste, class, religion, ethnic and patirarchal divisions
- silence on genocide of girls - population control without addressing son preference, and making a racket out of sex selection technologies.
- silence on subtel apartheid in society - slum dwellers evicted, dalit living in separate colonies, mulsims living separately--- how can we have euqity when people have different access to health, education, child care, water and sanitation
 i think we need to revisit development, paradigms from ambedkar, andre gunder frank, paulo friere lens, Phule, Periyar  etc and not just Gandhian values . for can we have accountability of government without wto, wb , mnc accountability? which sections of civil society were consulted, where were the dalits, adviasis, slum dwellers, poor women?  we need right to participation bill  - wherein any new bill is put in all language newspaper not just hindi and english and where non literacy is high consultations are held with them directly. they may air a few inequitable views, but they are also wise 
in anguish
Ranjani Kamala Murthy- in the month of ambedkar i dedicate this letter to ambedkar    

--- On Sat, 9/4/11, Niloufer Bhagwat <> wrote:

From: Niloufer Bhagwat <>
Subject: [humanrights-movement:4064] LOKPAL/JAN LOKPAL PROPOSED BILL
Date: Saturday, 9 April, 2011, 5:28 PM

 Forwarding an insight into causes of corruption at the highest level across national jurisdictions
including in India with several political parties involved in  joint conspiracies with the heads of private
companies , builders , contractors , commercial concerns among others .
  It follows that unless the Lokpal Bill / Jan Lokpal Bill has provisions relating to prosecution of
heads of private companies , directors, officials and lobbyists  including builders, contractors and
trading and commercial concerns who are jointly liable with Ministers and Officials and therefore
jointly liable in conspiracies to defraud the public exchequer, neither of these proposals meets
with the requirements of the present situation in India and other countries where Corporate houses
including Transnational Companies ,Banking and Financial Institutions , Real Estate and trading Companies  are directly responsible in the corruption chain and must be jointly investigated and  prosecuted before fast track courts constituted to prosecute the corrupt.
 Anna Hazare's movement does not focus on this aspect at all as some funded NGOs desire
to conceal the real source of corruption as they themselves are recipient of financial largesse
from Transnational Companies or from Trusts and Foundations created by these Companies .
 Stiglitz has also written on the dangers of this Corporate Corruption on the Planet .
 Kindly down load the attached article on ' Japan's Nuclear Meltdown , and the Gulf
Meltdown( BP) All Happened for the Same Reason " from globalresearch  website  in
case you are not able to open it as it deals with Corporation corruption  responsible for
serious decision making which has affected citizens across national boundaries .Also
download the article by Stiglitz on Information Clearing House on " Gambling With the Planet"
as it refers tothe nature of corrupt decisions being taken in conspiracy with Corporate Houses and
lobbyists and their political representatives .
 Unless there is a focus on the source of corruption a movement may conceal rather than
reveal the systemic reason for the administrative and political collapse on the corruption
front .
                     Niloufer Bhagwat
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